Release Notes


Release 1.96 - Nov 2015
  1. Added IE Compatibility Mode meta tags to some asp pages that were missing them (e.g. remarks_select.asp).
Release 1.95 - Sept 2015
  1. Fixed the "Edit" function in the remarks pop-up for block 18. When clicking "Edit", it would delete the remark.
Release 1.94 - Sept 2015
  1. Fixed a mispelling in the Authority and Reason comment ("ofr" corrected to "for").
Release 1.92 - May 2015
  1. Fixed an error when selecting the commands transferred.
Release 1.91 - Mar 2015
  1. Added support for using Windows Authentication to access SQL Server.
  2. NGB22 PDF - fixed problem with some fields not displaying on the digitally signed version of the PDF.
Release 1.90 - Mar 2015
  1. NGB22 - Character of Service was wrapping to next line on PDF output.
  2. NGB22 - Added PDF with digital signature option.
  3. NGB22 - Added flag information for soldier into the Notes section.
  4. Database upgraded to version 1.73.
Release 1.89 - Feb 2015
  1. NGB22 - Updated form image quality.
Release 1.88 - August 2014
  1. Removed the ability to create new DD214s per NGB request. All new DD214s should be done through TRANSPROC.
  2. NGB22 - Pulling the Command Transferred from MILPO Orders.
  3. NGB22 - Pulling the Character of Service from MILPO Orders.
  4. NGB22 - "Reset" button added to the Request/Decline Copies so you can remove both request and decline if checked.
  5. NGB22 - PDF and XFDL output, if neither of the Request/Decline options are selected in the form, the output no longer displays "Declined".
  6. NGB22 - NGB22 XFDL updated to 20140731 version to fix problem with altering form after digitally signing plus a few other minor issues.
  7. NGB22 - PDF output updated to 20140731 version.
  8. Database upgraded to version 1.72.
Release 1.87 - November 2013

  1. Added DD-214 Warning about TRANSPROC sending data to VA.
  2. Discharge Reasons - NGR 635-100, hyperlinks were added to sections 5b(1) thru 5b(8).
  3. ETS Summary - fixed a problem with garbage outputting in IE10.
  4. NGB22, DD214, DD215 - fixed a problem with a javascript error in IE10.

Release 1.86 - August 2013

  1. NGB-22 XFDL Form updated to 20120420 version.
Release 1.85 - April 2012
  1. Removed COM+ Components.
Release 1.84 - June 2011
  1. Discharge Reason for "Defective Enlistment" had wrong of paragraph 6-35d(2) instead of 6-35d(3).
Release 1.83 - June 2011
  1. DA4836 - Fixed problem with Certifying officer's Rank and Branch not coming over into the PureEdge form.
Release 1.82 - May 2011
  1. DA4836 - Fixed ETS date in 6d showing the "T00:00:00".
  2. DA4836 - Certifying officer date was showing the month number instead of the full name.
Release 1.81 - Mar 2011
  1. DA4836 - Fixed problem with Month not showing name.
  2. NGB22 PureEdge form - updated with newer version from NGB which allows Net Service This Period to be populated.
  3. NGB22 PureEdge form - added a warning message that the current version doesn't support "Soldier Not Available For Signature".
Release 1.80 - Nov 2010
  1. Added the PureEdge version of the NGB-22 form - 20091101. Allows for electronic signatures.
  2. Added ability to attach documents to the NGB-22.
  3. New version of DA4836 - AUG 2010.
  4. Added ability to attach documents to the DA4836.
  5. ETS Details - added the Effective Date for Orders and PARs.
  6. ETS Search - added the Date to the search results.
  7. NGB22 Discharge Reasons - Changed "Confirmed as infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus" to "Medically unfit" for HIPPA compliance.
  8. DD214 - Initial Entry Training now calculated from summing all B7 periods in RPAM. NOTE: Requires CMSWebServices v1.80 - Nov 2010.
  9. Database updated to version 1.71.
Release 1.79 - Sept 2010
  1. Installations now Windows Server 2008 compliant.
Release 1.78 - July 2010
  1. DD215 - Changed the Item Number field to 4 lines so that you can avoid line gaps on the 215.
  2. DD214 - Discharged soldiers' awards were not coming across into a new 214.
  3. DD214 - "NONE" added next to the SGLI Coverage check box on the data entry form.
  4. DD214 - Validation rule added for checking the "NONE" check box. If "NONE" is checked SGLI Coverage amount should be blank. This matches the validation rule in the TRANSPROC 214 form.
  5. DD214 - DA2-1 link was bringing up the wrong person.
  6. Search - searching by status was not working correctly.
  7. Database upgraded to version 1.70.
Release 1.77 - Feb 2010
  1. DD214 - Added the 214 Continuation form.
  2. Database upgraded to version 1.69.
Release 1.76 - Feb 2010
  1. DD214 - Added the options of "NOT AVAILABLE TO SIGN" and "REFUSED TO SIGN" to the 214.

Release 1.75 - Jan 2009

  1. DD214 - Block 23 (Type of Separation) on the PDF was displaying the Separation Code from block 26.
Release 1.74 - Jan 2009
  1. DD214 - Block 19b, Nearest Relative, changed address to print on 2 lines so that it fits in the space alloted on the PDF form.
  2. DD214 - PDF Form updated to a later version that TRANSPROC is using.
  3. DD214 - PDF Output now allows "0" in the "Days Accrued Leave Paid".
  4. DD214 - PDF Output now allows "00000000" in the Reserve Obligation Termination Date.
Release 1.73 - Jan 2009
  1. New DD214 Form, August 2009.
  2. New DD215 Form, August 2009.
  3. NGB22 Synch Process - if an NGB22 has already been created manually in the system, a new one will no longer be created when an order is published in MILPO Orders, provided the Effective Date matches.
  4. Overflow error when creating a new DD-215 fixed.
  5. Added the abillity to attach files to the DD214 and DD215. This can be used to save the electronically signed documents.
Release 1.72 - Sep 2009
  1. Added updated regulations, NGR600-200 August 2009, Authority and Reasons.
  2. DD214 - Added "NONE" next to the SGLI on the PDF output form.
Release 1.71 - Jun 2009
  1. Fixed mispelling in the Discharge Reasons.
  2. In Progress Screens - fixed problem in the "In Progress" screens where a blank name would not allow a hyperlink to the form.
  3. Removed the hyperlinks to MILPO Orders since we can no longer hyperlink directly into that system.
Release 1.70 - May 2007
  1. DA4836 - PEBD Date was not populating correctly.
  2. Database upgraded to 1.66.
Release 1.69 - Mar 2007
  1. DA4836 - Period of extensions updated to use correct version of the 600-200 regulation (1 March 1997).
  2. DA4836 - Notes are now shown at the bottom of the web page.
  3. Fixed more issues with the Oracle 10.2 client software in the ETS Summary page and the PAR creation.
  4. Database upgraded to 1.65.
Release 1.68 - Mar 2007
  1. Fixed a problem with the NGB22 Synch process that can occur if using the Oracle 10.2 client software.
  2. The temp XFDL file created in the "Reports" directory was not getting deleted after having been sent to the client. The file is now deleted correctly.
  3. Database upgraded to 1.64.
Release 1.67 - Feb 2007
  1. Fixed a problem caused by SIDPERS 10G for the ETS Summary page.
  2. Database upgraded to 1.63.
Release 1.66 - Feb 2007
  1. Fixed a misspelling of "Foreign" on the DD-214 form.
Release 1.65 - Dec 2006
  1. Fixed a problem with the Unit Zip not coming across in NGB-22s created from Discharge Orders.
  2. Database upgraded to level 1.62
Release 1.64 - Nov 2006
  1. Changed Discharge Reason selection boxes to a text box and a pop-up window to look up the regulations.
  2. Discharge Reasons now reflect the new NGR 600-200 Implementation Guidance for Oct 2006
  3. Pop-up windows on the NGB-22 are now maximized to fit the entire display.
  4. Database upgraded to level 1.61
Release 1.63 - Sept 2006
  1. Change URLs to use relative paths.
  2. Changed Discharge Reasons to reflect correct regulation.
  3. Changed 4836 rules to reflect correct regulation.
  4. DA 4836 - search for DD Form 4 date from PERMS data using document types of "DD 4 PACKET" and "DD4PD DD 41-2"
  5. DA 4836 - Default for Extension Table changed from "7-1 para 7-5" to "7-1 par 7-5" in order to fit in PureEdge Form.
  6. Default page changed for Unit Clerk set to the ETS Summary page.
  7. DD-214 - effective date of pay grade now pulled from the tblSIDPERS.siddatEFF_DATE_GR.
  8. DD-214 - Primary Specialty now shows the MOS Title from the MOS Titles reference table.
  9. DD-214 - Awards sorted by precedence.
  10. RE-Code of 4R added.
  11. Database upgraded to level 1.60
Release 1.62 - Aug 2006
  1. Added option of "SOLDIER REFUSED TO SIGN".
Release 1.61 - Jul 2006
  1. Database update - version 1.59.
  2. Added Discharge Authority/Reason of NGR 600-200, 8-16.1a Transferred to the Retired Reserve and Retirement.
Release 1.60 - Jul 2006
  1. Database update - version 1.58.
  2. Reverted Discharge Reasons back to what they were prior to the 1.59 and 1.58 releases. The information about the regulations changing was actually incorrect.
  3. Fixed a problem with creating a new NGB-22.
Release 1.59 - Jun 2006
  1. Database update - version 1.57.
  2. Modified synch stored procedure for datetime conversion error.
  3. Update the populate Discharge Reason stored procedure with additional reasons.
Release 1.58 - Jun 2006
  1. Database update - version 1.56.
  2. Update the populate Discharge Reason stored procedure to include the Regulation.
Release 1.57 - Jun 2006
  1. Changes to script 1.54 for populate stored procedure for Standard Remarks deleting existing remarks.
Release 1.56 - Jun 2006
  1. Database update - version 1.55.
  2. DD214 - changed data length to 50 characters for Home Address at Entry and Place of Entry.
Release 1.55 - May 2006
  1. Database update - version 1.52, 1.53, 1.54.
  2. DA4836 - Added blank textbox below extension information for additional information.
  3. NGB22 - Order awards by precedence from high to low.
  4. ETS Report - Moved PAR default values to the Admin page.
  5. Added ability to choose 500 and 510 PAR formats.
  6. ETS Report - Added functionality for link or auto create PARs, set on Admin page.
  7. Change for Period of Extension rules.
  8. Changes to the Discharge Reason table.
  9. Modifications for use with SQL Server 2005.
  10. Appinstaller update for SQL Server 2005.
Release 1.54 - Feb 2006
  1. DA4836 - Spelling correction on DA4836 print form.
Release 1.53 - Feb 2006
  1. DD215 - Added ability to create batches.
  2. Search, DD215 - Fix for DD215 Search not returning correct soldiers.
  3. Database update 1.51.
Release 1.52 - Feb 2006
  1. DA4836 - fix for Oath Of Extension current agreement date not saving with New DA4836.
  2. Database update 1.50.
Release 1.51 - Jan 2006
  1. ETS Report - Changed process for creating Discharge PAR and PAR default values and Notes.
  2. ETS Report - Fix for error during search redirecting to MILPO Order page.
  3. Database update 1.49.
Release 1.50 - Jan 2006
  1. Enable user to select to view all soldiers on ETS Report page.
  2. Give users that have the "Unit Clerk" role for the DA2-1 application the "Unit Clerk" role for the Discharges application.
  3. When selecting Unit name link on ETS Summary page default view to all soldiers in Unit on ETS Report page.
  4. ETS Summary - add a link for the roll-up units that will take you to the soldier detail page that includes all soldiers in the subordinate commands.
  5. ETSReport - added ability to create Discharge PAR.
  6. Updated reference table for SQLI codes.
  7. Fix for error on ETS Summary page when searching with blank Range combobox.
  8. DD214 - Reserve Obligation Termination date - default to all zeroes if the date is less than today or if MPC is O or W.
  9. Menu update.
  10. Database update 1.48.
Release 1.49 - Oct 2005
  1. DD-214 - updated print form to DD FORM 214, FEB 2000.
Release 1.48 - Oct 2005
  1. DA4836 - correct date errors for print report.
Release 1.47 - Oct 2005
  1. ETS Report - Added a column to view notes.
  2. ETS Notes - fixed page post timing problem causing inconsistant save actions.
  3. Database upgrade - v1.47.
Release 1.46 - Sep 2005
  1. Database upgrade - v1.46.
  2. DD214 - CutoffEndDate change.
  3. DD214 - fix create new error.
  4. ETS Notes - fix insert error.
  5. DA4836 - Change Period Of Extensions to accept 2 characters for Extension Rule.
Release 1.45 - Sep 2005
  1. Database upgrade - v1.45.
  2. DD214 - Prior Active Service calculation update.
  3. Added ETS Report.
Release 1.44 - Sep 2005
  1. Database upgrade - v1.44.
  2. ETS Detail - Add notes field.
Release 1.43 - Sep 2005
  1. DA4836 - Only show enlisted ranks in block 4.
  2. DA4836 - fix print option for new form.
  3. ETS Detail - Added hyper link to create/view DA4836.
  4. ETS Summary - when creating DA4836 return to ETS Summary page.
  5. ETS Summary - Change 30, 60 and 90 days to amber color.
  6. ETS Summary - Add column for 90 - 180 days ETS.
  7. Remove Search option for Unit Clerk role.
  8. Database upgrade - v1.43.
Release 1.42 - Sep 2005
  1. DA4836 - Added a state-wide heirarchical view of all the units and the # of soldiers going to ETS within 30, 60, 90 days.
  2. Database upgrade - updates for ETS, removed linked server definition.
  3. Remove contraints to allow mulitple copies of DA4836 for a soldier.
Release 1.41 - Aug 2005
  1. NGB-22 - Blocks 23-27 should be shown on the 1st PDF page.
Release 1.40 - Aug 2005
  1. DA483 - change New ETS Day from defaulting to the Current ETS day.
  2. DA4836 - block 4 correction.
  3. NGB-22 - Blocks 23-27 should not be shown on the 1st PDF page.
  4. CMSWebServices - modify officer search.
Release 1.38 - Aug 2005
  1. DA4836 - Set officer rank when only one is returned.
  2. DA4836 - Officer text shows search text.
  3. DA4836 - only show officer ranks in block 4.
  4. DA214 - allow all zeros in Reserve Oblig Term Date.
Release 1.37 - Aug 2005
  1. Database upgrade 1.41 - DA4836, DD214, NGB22, Menu.
  2. DA4836 - Set officer rank when only one is returned.
  3. DA4836 - Set officer rank when only one is returned.
  4. DA4836 - Include Warrant Officers in Search for Officers in Officer Certification.
  5. DA4836 - fix Search for Officers returning mulitple of same records.
  6. DA4836 - Add Period Of This Extension Days to the report.
  7. DA4836 - fix for ETS date checks.
  8. Search - return nothing for all if user doesn't have permissions.
  9. DD214 - fix for bind controls error when creating.
Release 1.36 - Aug 2005
  1. Search - adjust to return nothing when user doesn't have permissions.
Release 1.35 - July 2005
  1. DA4836 - now able to search, create and print form DA4836.
  2. Database upgrade - to version 1.39.
Release 1.34 - Jun 2005
  1. DD215 - Authorized Official's title will now wrap starting from the top.
Release 1.33 - Apr 2005
  1. NGB-22s are now automatically generated from Separation Orders published in MILPO Orders.
Release 1.32 - Apr 2005
  1. Database connection encrypted in registry on web server.
  2. Synchrnoization process added to the CMSWebServices Synch Processes.
  3. Discharge Reason of "Dropped from the rolls (DFR) of the Army" added.
  4. Support for AITS 2.0 added.
Release 1.31 - Feb 2005
  1. NGB22 - When changing the effective date or date of enlistment on the NGB-22 form, the system was recalculating the Net Service This Period using the old RPAM calculation. This has been fixed so that it does the date math between the two dates.
Release 1.30 - Dec 2004
  1. NGB22 - An error occurred when the soldier's Date of Enlistment was blank. Fixed.
  2. DD214 Batches - When generating DD-214s from a batch, you could get an error about not being able to enlist in a transaction. Fixed.
Release 1.29 - Nov 2004
  1. NGB22 - The calculations for Net Service This Period no longer look at the RPAM data. It calculates from the Effective Date and Date of Enlistment.
  2. NGB22 - The calculations for Total Service for Pay no longer look at the RPAM data. It now calculates this by summing the periods of service in 10 a, b, and c.
  3. Remarks - you now have the option to specify which remarks show up on the NGB-22 and which show up on the DD-214.
  4. Remarks - An "Always show this remark" was added to automatically add the Remarks to the NGB-22 (NOTE: you can accomplish the same thing with a "Template" in the DD-214). A sequence number was also added to sort the remarks as they are put onto the 22.
  5. Authorizing Officer - you can now set a "Default" for the NGB-22 and this officer will automatically be set on the NGB-22.
  6. NGB22 - If you select "AND AS A RESERVE OF THE ARMY", the "COMMAND TO WHICH TRANSFERRED" will be set to "NA".
  7. NGB22 - If you select "SGLI Coverage", it will default to 250000.
Release 1.28 - Sep 2004
  1. Problem fixed with the automatic creation of NGB22s from MILPO Orders. In some cases you could get the wrong SSN for a soldier on the 22. Also fixed a SQL error that could return from Oracle.
Release 1.27 - Sep 2004
  1. RPAM web page and components moved to the CMSWebServices project so that other applications such as Awards tracking can take advantage of the RPAM Integration.
Release 1.26 - Aug 2004
  1. RPAM Calculations - calculations simplified by using the CURR_YR_RET_PT field instead of calculating retirement points for each period.
  2. MOS Titles now come over from the MOSTitles reference table.
  3. DD214 - In Progress and Ready for Review screens were showing all DD214s instead of just the 214s in the given status.
  4. Service Obligation Termination Date on the NGB22 now accepts "00000000" as a valid input.
  5. RPAM Calcs - Prior Reserve Component Service was including the date of enlistment (one extra day).
  6. RPAM Calcs - Prior Reserve Component Service did not include E5 periods prior Jun 1985. These are now included.
  7. RPAM Calcs - Total Service for Retired Pay was not including E5.
  8. NGB22 - Total Service for Pay will recalculate if you manually change 10 a,b, or c.
  9. usp_Populate_NGB22_81 is now automatically created in the build scripts. This stored procedure is used to populate the NGB22 table with any Discharge orders created from the AITS version of MILPO Orders.
Release 1.25 - Aug 2004
  1. RPAM Calculations - the Service for Retired Pay was incorrectly looking at whether IDT OR ADT points were >= 50 for the period. This was incorrect and now has changed to look to see if the SUM of the two are >= 50.
  2. RPAM Calculations - ADT calculations were incorrect for soldiers whose RYE dates changed within their RPAM summary (e.g. someone with prior federal service, followed by a break in service, followed by entry into the Guard).
Release 1.24 - Jul 2004
  1. Changes were made so that you don't have to manually set the "Allow Parent Paths" option in IIS Admin for Windows 2003 servers.
  2. Fixed a bug that occurred with Oracle 9 client and the stored procedure, usp_RPAMSummary_SEL.
Release 1.23 - Apr 2004
  1. DD-214 - RPAM Integration added. Now calculates Active & Inactive Service Periods.
  2. DD-214 - Link to RPAM added. Shows RPAM Summary information for the soldier.
  3. DD-214 - The soldier's state awards are no longer added to the awards.
  4. DD-214 - Period of Service for Foreign Service is calculated from the DA2-1's Overseas Service.
  5. DD-214 - Link to the DA2-1 added.
  6. DD-214 - Military education is pulled from the DA2-1.
  7. NGB22 - Added "NOT AUTHORIZED" to the Type of Certificate Used.
  8. NGB22 - Mapping between SIDPERS Civilian Education Codes and the # years in school and college has been updated to the new SIDPERS codes.
  9. Search - several items have been added to the search screen, and an export to Excel has been added for all search results.
  10. NGB22 - RPAM Integration added. Now calculates Record of Service from RPAM.
  11. NGB22 - Military education is pulled from the DA2-1.
  12. DA2-1 Awards are now included. Previously only awards from SIDPERS were included.
  13. Ability to create DD-214 Batches was added.
  14. Search - Added an XLS export option for the DD-214
  15. Search - Added a PDF report for the NGB22 and DD214 search results. This replaces the NGB22 Status Report which has been removed as a menu option.
  16. MOS - fixed a problem with auto-populating MOSes that were incorrect. NOTE: this fix is actually in CMSWebServices, so you need it updated in order for the fix to be applied.
  17. MILPO Orders Integration - problem fixed with the soldier's address not coming across when the 22 was created as a result of a Discharge order being published in MILPO Orders.
Release 1.22 - Apr 2004
  1. DD214 - Option added to the Admin page to control whether or not the awards are automatically populated on the DD-214.
  2. You can now create DD-214 Templates that will pre-fill additional information on a DD-214
Release 1.21 - Dec 2003
  1. The Date of Enlistment is now set to siddatDATE_CURR_PROC if it exists, or siddatDATE_INIT_ENTRY_RC if it does not.
Release 1.20 - Nov 2003
  1. PDFs output was allowing the report to cache, so the PDF you viewed may not have had the latest data. Fixed.
Release 1.19 - Sept 2003
  1. DD-214 and NGB-22s created from soldiers no longer in SIDPERS now include more information than previously.
  2. Font size on PDF reports have been reduced to Arial 8 point to provide room for more text.
  3. Some of the pop-up windows could get a "Session Expired" error message. Fixed.
  4. Added the DD-215 form.
  5. "Automated" removed from the DD-215 form legend.
  6. A bug in the stored procedure, usp_Populate_NGB22, was fixed which was causing some Discharge orders not to create the shell of the NGB22.
Release 1.18 - Apr 2003
  1. An error has been fixed in the SP that queues up NGB-22s after a Discharge order in MILPO Orders has been published. Previously, an error would occur if no Discharge orders had been published in MILPO Orders yet.
  2. When creating a new NGB-22 based off an order, the Unit's City and State was not coming across.
  3. Security Clearance date was not being pulled across.
  4. NGB-22 form - lines between blocks 24, 25, and 26 were missing.
  5. NGB-22 form - line missing betwen Security Investigation Type and Date.
  6. NGB-22 form - Security Investigation Date Completed (17b.) title showed "INVESTIGATION" instead of "DATE COMPLETED"
  7. NGB-22 Status Report - Selecting the statuses was not working properly.
  8. User roles split into NGB-22 Clerk, NGB-22 Reviewer, DD-214 Clerk, and DD-214 Reviewer so that you can control access to the DD-214 and NGB-22 separately.
  9. NGB-22 - Character of Service, "Not Authorized", added.
  10. Discharges Reasons - Authority of "NGB" changed to "NGR".
  11. DD-214 - The "Member-1" and other items at the bottom of the page were not printing on the first page of the report.
Release 1.17 - March 2003
  1. NGB-22 In Progress - All NGB22s were showing up, regardless of status. Fixed so that only NGB22s with status of "In Progress" show up
  2. Statuses - Status descriptions changed to be consistent. "Working" is now "In Progress" and "Under Review" is now "Ready for Review".
  3. In Progress and Under Review screens - Status description removed.
Release 1.16 - Feb 2003
  1. Command Selection - Fixed a problem when creating a new command to transfer to from the pop-up selection of commands
Release 1.15 - Nov 2002
  1. DD214 - Notes were not saving.
  2. DD214 - Creating a new blank form caused an error.
Release 1.14 - Oct 2002
  1. Additional Separation types added for the DD-214
Release 1.13 - Jul 2002
  1. Menu option of "Ready for Review" was inadvertently removed. It has been added back.
  2. A status report for the NGB22 has been added.
Release 1.12 - Jul 2002
  1. General Under Honorable Condition corrected to General Under Honorable Conditions
  2. Discharge Reasons 8-26e(2), 8-26e(2)a, 8-26e(2)b, 8-26e(2)c, and 8-26f changed to "Acts or Patterns of Misconduct" due to privacy act concerns.
  3. Discharge Reason 8-27e changed to "Moving to an area where an ARNG unit is not within reasonable commuting distance."
  4. Time In Service Calculations - The time in service calculation was changed back to what it was prior to Release 1.11. The calculations were correct and should not have been changed in Release 1.11.
  5. Awards - the "-1" is no longer automatically added to the awards.
  6. Remarks - resized to more accurately reflect size on output pdf.
Release 1.11 - Jun 2002
  1. Menus updated.
  2. Discharge Reasons - "Failure to meet Medical procurement standards" Authority was corrected to 8-26b(3)
  3. Time In Service Calculations - For dates that had 31 days in them, a rule was being applied incorrectly, changing the 31 to 30 before subtracting and causing the period of service calculation to be off by one day. This has been fixed.
  4. Character of Service of "Under Honorable Conditions" changed to "General - Under Honorable Conditions"
  5. Authorities for Officers and Warrant Officers added
Release 1.10 - Apr 16, 2002
  1. DD214 - Total Prior Inactive Service was printing incorrectly.
  2. NGB22/DD214 - Paygrade for warrant officers changed from W1, W2, W3, etc. to WO1, WO2, WO3...
  3. NGB22 - Only one copy of an NGB-22 is allowed. If you try to create a new NGB22 when one already exists for the soldier, it will take you to the existing NGB-22. This should fix the problem with duplicate records being created inadvertantly.
  4. NGB22 - When NGB22 queued up from MILPO Orders, it will no longer queue up an NGB22 if one already exists. Previously, it would queue up an NGB22 only if a previous one was completed. Should fix the problem with duplicate NGB22s being created.
  5. Search - Now supports searching by SSN
Release 1.9 - Apr 08, 2002
  1. Fixed problem with IE crashing after selecting an item from a pop-up window.
Release 1.8 - Mar 13, 2002
  1. NGB22 - Terminal Date of Reserve/Military Service Obligation prints "NA" if blank.
  2. NGB22 - Terminal Date of Reserve/Military Service Obligation defaults to blank for Officers.
Release 1.7 - Feb 26, 2002
  1. DD214 - Block 25, Separation Authority, was not printing.
  2. DD214 - Awards no longer pulled from database.
  3. DD214 - Department/Component/Branch now defaults to ARMY/ARNGUS
  4. When creating a new NGB22 or DD214, if you selected Print, it gave an error. This is now fixed.
  5. When printing, users may receive an error of "This page contains both secure and nonsecure items". This is now fixed.
Release 1.6 - Feb 15, 2002
  1. Type of Discharge Certificate - Duplicate "55A" removed.
  2. Type of Discharge Certificate - Added "56a"
  3. Type of Discharge Certificate - changed "None" to "NA"
  4. NGB22 - the text, "NGB Form 22...", next to the REMARKS label in the web page was removed.
  5. Record of Service - Values formatted with leading zeroes where appropriate.
  6. Awards - The "Nothing Follows" comment is no longer added to the awards.
Release 1.5 - Feb 08, 2002
  1. DD214 - Added "Soldier Not Available for Signature" option.
  2. NGB22 & DD214 - Defaulted "Soldier Not Available For Signature" option to on.
  3. DD214 - Added option to create a new, blank DD214.
  4. NGB22 - When creating new, blank NGB22 an error of "DischargeReason3 not found". Fixed.
  5. NGB22 - When automatically creating an NGB22 based off a Discharge Order, a check is now done to make sure an NGB22 has not already been started on the given soldier. This will avoid multiple NGB22s being created for a soldier if the NGB22 is started before the Discharge Order is published.
  6. "NA" added to list of Reenlistment Codes.
  7. Reenlistment Code defaults to "NA" for Officers and Warrant Officers (both NGB22 & DD214).
  8. NGB22 - Net Service This Period now calculated from Date of Enlistment and Effective Date
  9. NGB22 - Total Service for Pay now calculated from Net Service This Period + Prior Reserve Component Service + Prior Active Federal Service
  10. DD214 - Net Active Service This Period now calculated from Date Entered AD This Period and Separation Date This Period
  11. Search - DD214 Search option now works correctly.
Release 1.4 - Jan 07, 2002
  1. Primary Specialties - was incorrectly pulling the Duty MOS and Duty Position. Now pulls the Primary, Secondary, and Additional MOS.
  2. Added an additional Discharge Reason block that allows free form text.
  3. Terminal Date of Reserve/Military Service Obligation was pulling the wrong date.
  4. Security clearance fields being pulled were incorrect.
  5. Discharge Reason descriptions that ended with an "n" had the "n" removed (e.g. "ETS No Obligation" was showing as "ETS No Obligatio")
  6. Added City, State, and Zip to the "Station Effected"
Release 1.3 - Dec 18, 2001
  1. Added a count to the "In Progress" and "Ready for Review" pages
  2. Added the Reg (e.g. NGR 600-200) to the Discharge Reason
  3. Added an additional Discharge Reason
Release 1.2 - Dec 05, 2001
  1. Several of the dates in the PDF output had the month showing in the day column. Fixed.
  2. Authority not showing on the PDF output. Fixed.
  3. Block 27 - Request/Decline copies of NGB22 now defaults to "Request"